Backgammon 510 Drip Tip Terbuat dari material stainless steel anti karat yang membuat drip tip ini aman untuk digunakan. Sangat cocok untuk menggantikan cartridge rokok elektrik anda yang lama/rusak.
Safe and Healthy
Refilled natural e-liquid. No Carbon Monoxide, no tar and other harmful substances. The carcinogen levels in electronic cigarettes are up to 1,000 times lower than in tobacco cigarettes. |
Help to Quit Smoking
According to the "Replacement Therapy" which recommended by the W.H.O and the smoking habits can be quit by long-trem smoking e-cigs because it's simulating the traditional cigarette. |
Everywhere and Anytime
No second-hand smoke. Just release safe vapour without terrible smell. Have no bad efect to others. You can use electronic cigarette in public place like airport, cinema, club, etc. |
Save Money
An e-cigarette cartridge is equal to one pack of tobacco cigarette. The same smoking experience, but save more when using electronic cigarettes. |
For more information about e-cigarette please visit this link Visit for more information.
All item you get from the box:
- 1 x Backgammon Replacement 510 Universal Drip Tip
Merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung, impotensi dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin.
Mengunjungi ataupun membeli menyatakan sudah ber-umur 17 tahun.
Dilarang untuk usia dibawah 17 tahun.
Seller / penjual tidak bertanggung jawab atas penggunaan barang yang dijual. Segala bentuk penyalahgunaan merupakan tanggung jawab pembeli.
Semua produk elektronik (battery/charger) akan ditest sebelum dikirim (tidak termasuk atomizer ,cartridge,etc / non electrical goods)